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Jurányi Gallery



László Csáki: Blue Pelican

I drew the comics version of the documentary-animation short film “Blue Pelican” on the walls of the gallery. The story is based on the narratives of the three main characters and tells the tale of the international train ticket forgery which was a peculiar phenomenon in the recent past.  This minor forgery was a typical type of crime in Hungary from the end of the 1980s till 2002.  It was built on the realization that the text written with carbon paper on international train tickets can be easily erased using household cleaning supplies and after drying and compressing the tickets, they can be re-written for any destination. Only three-quarter of the 25-minute-long story was showed at the exhibition, because the space turned out to be too small and I did not want to use the ceiling because reading from there would have been too inconvenient. The end of the story will be revealed in the short film. This is how a chalk-drawn comics trailer was created to the film in the making.